Preparing For Remote Audits With ISA


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a number of unforeseen challenges. As we learn to adapt to these difficult times, we would like to share some tips on how to ensure a smoother remote auditing process. Here are some ways to prepare for your remote audit with ISA:

Establish which video conferencing platform you plan to utilize. It is important to identify a platform you are comfortable with to avoid delays or technical difficulties during the audit.

Prepare as many procedures, documents, reports, data, and information as possible that is pertinent to the processes and activities to be audited ahead of the start of the audit. Doing this will avoid unnecessary delays and will help to ensure a smooth and efficient auditing process.

Specific documents requested by the auditor can include: Purchase orders, sales orders where a change was processed, evaluation records for a new supplier, list of employee names for each process, and a copy of the plant layout so that the auditor can get a feel of the production flow.

The health and safety of our clients and auditors remains our top priority during this crisis. ISA is continuously monitoring the situation and taking appropriate steps to minimize disruption to our operations while safely conducting the auditing process.