How Innovations like AS9120 Certification Improved Air Travel Safety (Demo)


 “Flying is the safest way to travel,” so they keep saying. You may scoff as you read these words when the media can be rife with news of plane crashes throughout the world. While many people remain critical, facts show that flying is much safer today than it always has been (fatal crash rate in the U.S. for the past five years was one in 45 million flights). This is thanks in part to efforts of people and organizations responsible for advances like the AS9120 regulations.


Learning from the Past

There have surely been accidents in the sky caused by anything from pilot error or technical oversight to engine defects. Nevertheless, from these tragedies, lessons were learned and measures were applied, so that today, things like pilot psychology, air traffic controller alertness, technology use, and everything else that could potentially cause disaster has been taken into consideration before a single flight takes off.

Rigorous Pilot Training

Nowadays, pilots don’t just have to be good at flying the plane; they should also exhibit excellent leadership potential and good communication skills, including the capability to think critically under pressure and make the right calls 100% of the time.

Air Traffic: Battleship Bridge

You remember those sci-fi movies showing how chaotic and hectic it can get on the bridge of a spaceship? This is how the ground air traffic control works. There are efficient men and women working on the bridge monitoring the precision of GPS navigation, weather radars, flight routes, and other technology to ensure that takeoff and landing goes smooth without a single chance of ending badly.

Quality Components

The AS9120 certification for aerospace products that distributors can get from firms like the International Standards, Authority, Inc. helps ensure that aircraft parts and components maintain a certain standard of quality throughout the manufacturing process and in the efficient delivery from the plant to the distributor, to the assembly yard. With such regulations, you can be assured that commercial and private plane parts used are of the best quality.

Today, much more than ever, there is very little to worry about when flying. As an article in Executive Travel Magazine, states:

Clearly, a lot is riding on doing it right. So the next time the captain welcomes you aboard, you really can sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight, knowing that the safest part of your trip has just begun.

(Article Excerpt and Image from Why Airplanes Are Safe,Executive Travel Magazine)