Do You Actually Know The Nuts And Bolts Of an ISO 9001 Certification?


A legitimate ISO 9001 certification is an absolute boon for any business, provided that each and every aspect of it is fully understood and appropriate related practices are put to work. A good understanding of what such a certification really means for a business, however, escapes a lot of people.

Do You Actually Know The Nuts And Bolts Of an ISO 9001 Certification

For one, realizing the full benefit of a management system by viewing and managing real processes affecting service and product quality relies on a crucial concept called “process approach.” Such a concept is not new—in truth, it’s specifically how the coveted ISO 9001 certification is designed to work from day one. The thing is: not everyone is taking a process approach these days; they’d rather take a standard-based approach, which is born of a misconception.

That misconception purports that ISO 9001 was “intended” to instruct a company’s top brass how to manage, and even contain specific instructions for how to run, a business. It’s not. ISO 9001 is merely intended to provide auditors with a definite set of criteria with which to gauge existing quality management systems (QMS). It is meant to be a set of principles meted out in specific requirements, aimed to offer a basis for a fair assessment and nothing more.

Once such a misconception’s roots are eradicated, only then can a company fully reap the benefits of such a certification. Certified companies are generally viewed to be very secure—they have a better chance at giving individuals great job security, as well as the guarantee that any product sold or service rendered is fit for a customer’s use and is set to improve over time. This of course leads to stakeholder satisfaction.

Typically, companies become ISO-certified with the help of firms like the International Standards Authority, Inc. simply because customers downright require it. For instance, a good number of European customers actually demand that a company be ISO-certified, apparently knowing that ISO 9000 certification proves a company’s overall reliability—something that can help greatly in with marketing. A stamp of ISO 9000 approval basically assures customers that they’ll get what they pay for if they do business with such a company.

It is one thing to claim that your services and products are excellent, but a different thing if a third party with a universally accepted set of standards vouches for it3. This is what makes an ISO 9001 certification such a boon to any business. This is what it really means to be certified.


Misunderstanding ISO 9001,, April 21, 2014

What Should ISO Mean To You?

What It Means To Be ISO Certified,

ISO 9001 Certification – What Does It Mean?